
Icecat rolls out ICURY cryptocurrency to its e-commerce users

2022-05-03T12:10:43+02:00July 18, 2018|icecat|

Amsterdam, July 18, 2018: The first user trials with the ICURY, Icecat's cryptocurrency, have been successful. The ICURY has been integrated into a new wallet within Icecat user accounts. The ICURY balance and transaction have been made visible to the first 35 users: representatives of retailers, brands or implementation partners from the ecommerce industry. ICURY, with symbol ICY,

GS1 and Icecat develop Fashion database with Wehkamp, ​​Bijenkorf, Tommy Hilfiger and Clavin Klein

2022-05-03T12:11:24+02:00May 23, 2018|icecat|

Amsterdam, May 23, 2018: GS1 Fashion Base has officially started in the Netherlands in collaboration with Icecat and leading players in the fashion industry. The goal is to create a product catalog filled with item data for fashion ecommerce and retail that can be easily shared between manufacturers and their channel partners. Inretail and Modint, trade organizations in retail non-food

Listed Icecat grows at an accelerated rate of 2017% in 17

2022-05-03T12:11:44+02:00May 1, 2018|icecat|

Amsterdam, May 1, 2018: The turnover of Icecat, publisher of product information for e-commerce companies and listed on the NPEX SME exchange, grew by 2017% on an annual basis in 17 to 7 million euros. The acquisition of Iceshop BV contributed to the acceleration of turnover growth, which was still 2016% in 10. The net profit is more or less stable

Icecat ecosystem expansion and acquisition and integration

2022-08-02T15:09:54+02:00April 6, 2018|icecat|

PRESS RELEASE Expansion of the Icecat ecosystem and acquisition and integration of Syndy, specialist in supermarket data. New currency, ICURY, positioned as a loyalty program. Amsterdam, April 9, 2018. Icecat will soon announce its final annual figures for 2017. Broadly speaking, the trend in turnover growth and profit of the first half of 2017 has continued throughout

Icecat strengthens position in supermarket data with investment in Syndy

2022-05-03T12:12:28+02:00March 5 2018|icecat|

Amsterdam, March 5, 2018 - Icecat, listed on NPEX, takes a majority stake of 92% in Syndy, an online platform for product information exchange between manufacturers and retailers, mainly in the market for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), supermarkets. Within the FMCG chain, Syndy has built up a fast-growing network of leading brands and retailers. The collaboration between Syndy and Icecat ensures

Listed Icecat starts private pre-sale of cryptocurrency ICURY to professional investors

2022-08-02T15:02:42+02:00February 12 2018|icecat|

Amsterdam, February 12, 2018: Icecat, listed publisher and global distributor of product information in the e-commerce market, starts the pre-sale of its cryptocurrency ICURY prior to the public sale (or Initial Coin Offering). In this private presale, Icecat focuses on professional crypto investors. “It is not unusual to take several months for such a pre-sale,” he said

Icecat is working on issuing 2.0 cryptocurrency ICURY for content syndication

2022-05-03T12:13:08+02:00January 3 2018|icecat|

03-01-2018 - Icecat, listed publisher and worldwide distributor of product information in the e-commerce market, is working on the creation and issuance of a “2.0” cryptocurrency, ICURY. The ICURY, Icecat CryptocURrencY, will be a crypto token accepted by Icecat, and will play a role in payments and content creation within Icecat's existing ecosystem. It is a 2.0 coin in the sense that the coin was issued

Icecat turnover grew by 21,5% in the first six months of 2017

2022-05-03T12:13:32+02:0012 September 2017|icecat|

September 12, 2017 - Icecat NV's turnover growth accelerated in the first half of 2017 to 21,5%, leading to a half-year turnover of 3,4 million euros. Both the Dutch and international business contributed to the growth. At the same time, Icecat's profit before tax (EBT) improved by 17% to 452 thousand euros in this period.

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