Annual archives: 2016

Icecat acquires e-commerce integrator Iceshop

2022-05-03T12:22:24+02:00December 28 2016|icecat|

December 28 - Icecat and iMerge have reached agreement on the acquisition of webshop integrator Iceshop by Icecat. The transaction amount is €3,1 million, which will be settled by the delivery of 310.000 depositary receipts of Icecat shares to iMerge via NPEX in accordance with Icecat's prospectus dated November 2, 2016. THIS COMMUNICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF SECURITIES IN THE UNITED

Icecat to the fair

2022-05-03T12:22:43+02:00December 22 2016|icecat|

December 22 - Icecat is listed on the Dutch SME stock exchange NPEX. This global publisher of online product information wants to grow even faster with the capital generated by the IPO. Consumers and professionals are increasingly looking online for their purchases. In order to make a good purchasing decision, they expect web shops and apps to provide them with complete product information and...

CEO Icecat is a guest at TrendWatcher.TV

2022-05-03T12:23:06+02:00December 20 2016|icecat|

December 20 - Martijn Hoogeveen, CEO Icecat, was a guest this week on TrendWacther.TV, the program of trend watchers Richard and Lieke Lamb. Hoogeveen explains what Icecat does, how the company is developing and what is expected for the future. You can watch the fragment from the TrendWatcher.TV broadcast here

Clean transport with a wink

2022-03-03T16:18:28+01:00December 15 2016|Tuk Tuk Holding|

December 15, 2016 - A childhood dream comes true. CEO of Tuk Tuk Factory Roland Vos, previously employed by multinationals Unilever and InBev, smelled opportunities when he saw an Asian tuk tuk driving around. Vos and his team are now firmly in control of the tuktuk company and success has now been proven. At the headquarters, located on an industrial estate

Tuk Tuk Holding BV to MKB-Beurs NPEX with 7% bond loan

2022-03-03T16:18:18+01:00December 14 2016|Tuk Tuk Holding|

December 14, 2016 - Tuk Tuk Holding BV, under the trade name Tuk Tuk Factory, global market leader in the development, production and sale of electric tuk tuks, will issue bonds for an amount of almost € 2,5 million that will be listed on the NPEX trading platform. The conditionally subordinated 7% bond loan, the interest of which is paid monthly to the

Ruling on CTOUCH patent case postponed again

2020-06-05T10:59:04+02:00December 13 2016|CTOUCH|

December 13, 2016 The ruling on the patent case as stated on page 27 of the prospectus of September 23, 2016, regarding the issuance of the 7% bond loan of CTOUCH Holding BV, has again been stayed. The final verdict is now expected on January 18, 2017.

RoodMicrotec obtains €5 million in new contracts

2020-06-08T11:39:38+02:00December 12 2016|RedMicrotec|

December 12, 2016 - RoodMicrotec has secured two new contracts that are expected to increase its order book by at least €5 million over the next 10 years. The company expects to win €4,5 million in orders from a customer in the automotive and industrial sectors and will raise €2019 in public sales between now and 850.000

RoodMicrotec turnover growth higher than semiconductor market growth due to strong order portfolio

2020-06-08T11:38:16+02:00November 28 2016|RedMicrotec|

November 28, 2016 - RoodMicrotec expects to exceed revenue growth in the underlying global semiconductor market over the next four years. This development is due to a strong order book, especially in the field of supply chain management (SCM) projects. RoodMicrotec, the Dutch supplier of semiconductors and advanced microchips, announced to investors last Wednesday during an information meeting on

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