
Icecat acquires the French Toy and Entertainment Data specialist Cedemo

2022-05-03T12:07:04+02:00March 2 2020|icecat|

Monaco, Amsterdam, March 2, 2020: Icecat and Cedemo have agreed to acquire Cedemo's toy and entertainment product information management business. The toys and entertainment business concerns, in addition to data about toys, data about video games, games, licensed products, and video games accessories. Cedemo, based in Monaco, is mainly focused on the French market and

Icecat takes over Syndy shares from founder

2022-05-03T12:07:29+02:00October 14, 2019|icecat|

Amsterdam, October 14, 2019 - PJ van Herpen BV, the holding company of Pieter van Herpen, one of the founders of Syndy, exercises a put option on 2% of the shares he holds in Syndy BV. Icecat acquires these shares. At the same time, Syndy will take over the 4% shares of PJ van Herpen BV

Cryptocurrency Icecat listed on Txbit exchange under ICY ticker.

2022-05-03T12:07:51+02:0019 September 2019|icecat|

Second airdrop from ICURY (ICY) for users of its new social medium. Amsterdam, September 19, 2019 - ICURY (ICY), the crypto token or coin of Icecat, listed (NPEX: ICECAT) publisher and syndicator of product information in the global ecommerce market, is included in its trading platform by the exchange, founded in 2019. “Txbit is taking this initiative because

Icecat acquires the Swedish reviews aggregator Testseek

2022-05-03T12:09:18+02:00February 21 2019|icecat|

Amsterdam/Gothenburg, February 21, 2019 - Icecat acquires all shares in FMP Publishing AB, the Sweden-based global aggregator and syndicator of professional and consumer product reviews, operating under the name Testseek. Icecat buys out the current shareholders, founder Fredrik Engdahl and investor Netvalue BV. Icecat and Testseek have been working together since 2012 for customers such as

Icecat shareholders realize co-founder's exit

2022-05-03T12:09:36+02:00October 30, 2018|icecat|

Free float Icecat shares increases to 7% Amsterdam, October 29, 2018 - The existing shareholders of Icecat NV, the NPEX-listed global publisher of product data for the e-commerce market, today completed the exit of Snijders Invest BV as a minority shareholder. The 6,7% ordinary shares of Icecat that were still owned by Snijders Invest, the company of co-founder and former

Listed Icecat turnover expands 20% in 3rd quarter 2018.

2022-05-03T12:09:57+02:00October 15, 2018|icecat|

Alibaba signs contract with Icecat. Amsterdam, October 15, 2018 - The quarterly turnover of Icecat NV, the listed publisher of product data for the global ecommerce market, increased by 2018% to 19,7 million euros in the third quarter of 2,13, compared to the same period a year earlier. Profit before tax increased by 64% to 516K euros

Listed Icecat grows faster by 2018% in the first six months of 24

2022-05-03T12:10:20+02:001 August 2018|icecat|

Thanks to AI, Icecat doubles production datasheets for e-commerce Amsterdam, August 1, 2018 - Icecat NV, the NPEX-listed publisher of product data for the global e-commerce market, saw its turnover growth accelerate to 24,4% over the first six months of 2018 (from 21,5 .4,2% a year ago), leading to a turnover of XNUMX million euros during this period. Without the

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