About LCS Solutions (Tidam)

LCS Solutions Investing via NPEX
“Metal, Engineering. We put the puzzle together”

We are an international metal construction and production company in the Industry, Construction, Chemicals and Petrochemicals sectors. We are located in Antwerp (BE). We have been doing our work for more than ten years with long-standing customer relationships and an international network. The current management has been there since 2016.

We have experienced a significant increase in turnover in recent quarters. The order book is extensive as of April 2023 €12.000.000 to hard orders.

Our business activities include projects in secondary supporting structures, stairs and platforms. Examples of our production (serial): pipe brackets, pipe shoes. We are also active in the maintenance of loading arms for ship, train and freight loading arms in (chemical) liquids or liquefied gas (LNG).

We distinguish ourselves in these traditional sectors through our innovative and flexible strength. We tackle capacity shortages through a smart international organization and an innovative approach - despite the increasing shortages of technical personnel in Belgium, the Netherlands and surrounding countries.

Key figures

Turnover 7-22 to 3-23
Gross margin 07-22 to 03-23
Result 7-22 to 3-23

The upward trend in sales is not a temporary phenomenon. We expect to maintain this positive trend in the coming years. An important factor in this is our greatly increased order portfolio.

We have entered into significant contracts and agreements that provide us with a strong foundation for future revenues. We monitor our financial position on the basis of which we make well-considered financial decisions and continuously adjust our business strategy.


Our customers are for example:

  • Stork,
  • Stow international (mega warehouses, silos),
  • Citribel (one of the largest producers of citric acid worldwide),
  • Cargill
  • Basf,
  • Vopak
  • Exxon Mobile.

This is not only a sign of the healthy state of our company, but also a testament to the effectiveness of our strategies and the dedication of our team.


➜ NPEX supports companies that pursue sustainable objectives and implement ESG policies. More information ➜

LCS Solutions believes that corporate social responsibility and business ethics are critical to long-term success. By focusing on the four sustainable development goals mentioned above and by basing our business operations on strong ethical principles, they are convinced that we have a positive impact on both stakeholders and the world at large.


Peter Verbeke has 20 years of experience at Stork.

Since 2011, Peter Verbeke has held various management positions. In 2016, he and two partners took over the company LCS Solutions BV.

He has been 2022% owner since June 100 and the partners have been completely bought out.

Arno Bekkers is an experienced entrepreneur who founded and managed several companies at a young age.

Within LCS Solutions, Arno Bekkers is responsible for the general organization, strategy, marketing, IT and HRM.

Loan target €1.000.000

  • General improvement of liquidity and thus improving our margins because we can make better agreements.
  • Professionalization of the organization and operations, such as hiring a calculator, work planner and a project leader.
  • Expansion of the machine park. In Deurne (Antwerp) we will invest in equipment for more flexibility and capacity to meet customer demand.

You read in us Information Memorandum more about our target spending.

Secondary Constructions

Risks and certainties


  • Tidam Holding BV has 100% of the shares in LCS Solutions BV (the Belgian operating company, located in Deurne (Antwerp) in Belgium). The legal entity in which we carry out the activities is LCS Solutions BV and this legal entity will cooperate jointly and severally liable for the fulfillment of the obligations of Tidam Holding BV under the bond loan.
  • Peter Verbeke, director and major shareholder of Tidam Holding BV has a bail provided of € 100.000, which makes him liable as guarantor for the fulfillment of the obligations of Tidam Holding BV under the bond loan.

Investing always involves risks. The main risk you run is that Tidam Holding BV has no money to repay you or to pay the interest.

This could happen, among other things, because we have had limited profitability in the past and we have not built up large reserves or if a major customer withdraws from us.

Then you may not receive any repayment of the loan and you will not receive any interest. You read in us Information Memorandum en information document the risks associated with our subordinated bond.


The rates charged by NPEX are shown below.

NPEX account free
Deposit money free
Registration fee for issue 1% one-off
Service fee 0,05% per month*

*To be calculated based on the nominal value of the bonds in the portfolio on the coupon payment date and to be offset against the (monthly) interest payment.

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Offering on NPEX stock exchange