
E-business pearl Icecat NV to NPEX Exchange

2022-08-02T15:23:47+02:00November 3 2016|icecat|

November 3 - Icecat NV, the global market leader for creating and distributing product information for e-commerce, is now listed on the trading platform NPEX, the SME Stock Exchange of the Netherlands. Icecat hopes to raise €10 million in new capital in the coming months by issuing up to one million shares with a nominal value of €10.

E-commerce syndicator Icecat announces IPO at Dutch NPEX

2022-05-03T12:25:41+02:00November 3 2016|icecat|

November 3, 2016 - As of today, the subscription to digital receipts of new shares in Icecat NV starts at NPEX, the Dutch digital stock exchange for SMEs in the Netherlands. The issue price is set at 10 euros. Icecat expects to raise 10 million euros to finance its continued fast-growth. Icecat is a profitable

Icecat's IPO Announcement in the Fin Media in The Netherlands and Italy

2022-08-02T15:16:30+02:00November 10 2016|icecat|

November 10 - Last week there was abundant response to Icecat's IPO announcement of November 3, 2016. Mainly in the financial press in The Netherlands, but also Italy. Financieel Dagblad kicked off with an extensive article: Icecat to SME exchange NPEX (“Icecat to SME exchange NPEX”). FD says “Hardly nobody knows them, but almost everyone has used their services”

Icecat's IPO announcement in the financial press in the Netherlands and Italy

2022-08-02T15:13:27+02:00November 10 2016|icecat|

November 10 - Last week there was plenty of reaction to Icecat's IPO announcement of November 3, 2016. Especially in the financial press in the Netherlands, but also in Italy. Financieel Dagblad kicks off with an extensive article: 'Icecat to MKB-Beurs NPEX'. FD says: "Almost no one knows them, but almost everyone uses their service", a good positioning of Icecat's Business-to-Business (B2B) proposition

Interview Icecat CEO by about IPO NPEX

2022-08-02T15:15:29+02:00November 22 2016|icecat|

November 22 - Ron Lemmens of's Talk Businesses interviews Icecat CEO Martijn Hoogeveen about Icecat and it's IPO at NPEX. Lemmens interviewed Martijn Hoogeveen about Icecat and it's IPO at NPEX, the SME Stock Exchange in the Netherlands. This interview will be broadcasted Wenesday 23 November, 10AM CET via the internet player of

Listen to the interview of Martijn Hoogeveen – New Business Radio

2022-08-02T15:20:29+02:00November 24 2016|icecat|

November 24 - Ron Lemmens of New Business Radio / Let's Talk Business interviews Icecat CEO Martijn Hoogeveen this week. In case you have missed this, you can listen to it here. CEO, Icecat Yesterday New Business Radio broadcast the interview with CEO Martijn Hoogeveen about Icecat and its IPO at NPEX, the SME stock exchange in The Netherlands. Through this

CEO Icecat is a guest at TrendWatcher.TV

2022-05-03T12:23:06+02:00December 20 2016|icecat|

December 20 - Martijn Hoogeveen, CEO Icecat, was a guest this week on TrendWacther.TV, the program of trend watchers Richard and Lieke Lamb. Hoogeveen explains what Icecat does, how the company is developing and what is expected for the future. You can watch the fragment from the TrendWatcher.TV broadcast here

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