Hall, October 20, 2022

Introducing the new DG press logo, designed to reflect our sustainable brand, high-quality service and passion for printing presses

Celebrating today DG press the launch of our new corporate identity and logo. With this, DG press tries to ensure that we adapt our corporate brand to future product requirements and market demands, while maintaining the same high-quality service that our customers have come to expect.

Nowadays, the transition to a circular economy is a prominent topic. Brand owners, retailers, printers and processors are making great efforts to design a fully circular packaging production process, where waste of energy and materials is prevented as much as possible. In line with this, DG press developed a third generation sleeve offset printing press, called DG-AUXO, which perfectly meets the requirements of a circular economy. The new DG press rotary offset printing press offers a perfect solution for energy savings and sustainable print production.

In line with this, at DG press we think beyond just building and supplying new machines; We also take measures to extend the lifespan of the printing press as much as possible. These improvements in combination with proper maintenance can extend the economic productive life of our rotary offset printing press to more than 30 years.

And by refurbishing machines and machine modules, DG press supports and stimulates the transition to a circular economy. This eliminates the need for many customers to invest in a new printing press in a completely different configuration for a different market. Again, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

With this new logo, our brand is simple and brandable in a way that resonates with our customers and the exciting market in which we operate. The full story behind the new corporate identity can be found in the press release.

View video lesson for the logo unveiling!