DD Alternative Fund NV

Open-end investment fund

The DD Alternative Fund is a global sustainable equity fund that invests in alternative asset classes, including in particular companies that invest in real estate and infrastructure.


  • Global sustainable equity fund that invests in alternative asset classes.
  • Invests in particular in companies that invest in real estate and infrastructure.
  • Aims for a net return target of 7% on average per year over the long term and has no benchmark. Daily tradable (open-end structure)
  • Managed by an independent fund manager
  • Fully supervised by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
  • Dividend payment announcement
    On October 31, 2022, the management of DD Alternative Fund NV decided to pay out an interim cash dividend of €0,35 gross per share.
    The ex-dividend date is November 15, 2022. The record date is November 16, 2022.
    The dividend, less 15% dividend tax, will be made payable around November 17, 2022.

See also: https://www.doubledividend.nl/beleggingsfondsen/dd-alternative-fund-n-v/profiel/

About DoubleDividend Management BV

DD Alternative Fund is managed by DoubleDividend. DoubleDividend distinguishes itself in its investment philosophy where quality, sustainability and a focus on the long term are paramount. We believe that sustainable, quality investments are more promising in the long term, have fewer risks and therefore provide better financial and social returns. These companies are tested against the DoubleDividend Wheel of Five.

DoubleDividend Wheel of Five

  1. Sustainability: sustainability makes a positive contribution to the risk-return profile of a company. Sustainable companies have a long-term focus and are more innovative
  2. Business model: a strong business model is essential for the long term, we prefer companies with a strong brand, a solid market position and high margins
  3. Management & track record: a company and its management must have a proven track record with regard to turnover and profit growth
  4. Balance: a strong balance sheet position is of great importance. It provides a buffer to get through difficult periods and opportunities to invest sufficiently in your own business model
  5. Appreciation: paying a reasonable price for an investment is important to achieve the return target

Deutsche Annington Immobilien Gruppe

Vonovia is the largest listed player in the European housing market with a portfolio of approximately 400.000 affordable homes in Germany, Sweden and Austria. Vonovia is an interesting investment because the average value of the homes is below the reconstruction value and the rental growth shows a stable trend. Vonovia has a very efficiently managed organization with its own maintenance service. Additional rental growth is achieved through the renovation of existing homes, with a lot of attention being paid to sustainability, such as energy efficiency and longevity. The company has a strong balance sheet and attractive prospects.

Brookfield Renewable Partners

Brookfield Renewable Partners is one of the largest investors in renewable energy generation in the world, with a portfolio of approximately $50 billion. The company mainly invests in North and South America, but is also active in a number of European and Asian countries. Brookfield Renewable Partners invests in hydroelectric power stations, wind and solar parks, and energy storage. The company has a long and very good track record and expects to grow earnings per share by 10% per year in the coming years. Brookfield Renewable Partners has a strong financial position with a BBB+ rating from S&P, making financing growth no problem.


For more information see the website DoubleDividend.