Sliedrecht, November 7, 2022

Dear bondholder,

Recently, employees of Pool Trading BV made a trip to Asia to visit customers and suppliers there.

During our trip, about 20 relations were visited. It is important in our business to meet our customers and suppliers. During these visits you will get a good impression of the customer and supplier, how their business is going and how the company is organized. It is good to look behind the scenes and discover where the opportunities and threats lie.

Due to the restrictions due to the Covid Pandemic, it was not possible to visit these relations for a number of years. Asia has always been an important export area for Pool Trading BV and it is therefore important to keep our focus on this part of the world.

This trip has proven to be extremely successful. We have been able to sell many engines and gearboxes from stock.

A special mention is the purchase of 7 Caterpillar generator sets, which were sold directly to two customers in Europe. The financial side of this project has already been completed, the containers are on their way and the sets will be delivered in Europe this month.

We were able to realize a total order amount of more than € 1.400.000 and a nice net profit contribution. This gives us an additional turnover of approximately 25 percent for this year. This is very exceptional for Pool Trading BV!

As a management team, we are grateful that we were able to realize this deal with all parties.

Trusting to have given you sufficient information.

Yours faithfully,
GJ van de Pol / CEO