As of April 1, 2021, DD Property Fund N.V. has changed its investment policy and invests worldwide in alternative investment categories, including in particular companies that invest in real estate and infrastructure.

As a result, DD Property Fund N.V. has decided to change its name to DD Alternative Fund NV The name change follows from the amendment of the articles of association, which was discussed at the shareholders' meeting of March 30, 2021.

In addition, the prospectus incorporates the new requirements set out in the Sustainability Disclosure Regulation in the Financial Services Sector EU/2019/2088 ('SFDR').

DD Alternative Fund N.V. invests at least in twenty companies that meet the quality criteria of DoubleDividend ('bracket of five'); leaders in the field of sustainability, a strong business model, a proven track record of turnover and profit growth, a strong balance sheet position and an attractive valuation. DD Alternative Fund N.V. has a net return target of 7% on average per year over the long term and strives for a consistent, slightly growing dividend. DD Alternative Fund N.V. has an open-end structure and can be traded daily via NPEX.

More information about DD Alternative Fund N.V., the prospectus and the explanation of the changes can be consulted at

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